Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mystic Dreamer - Cloth Doll

Mystic Dreamer  was a fantasy dream doll I made with lots of facination. I don't know much about the realms of consciousness and the sub conscious, but she is just the begininning of a subject that I find quite interesting.

As the imagination wanders, I see her as the one who you are meant to call upon when crossing a MAJOR border in your life, a supernatural being who brings aid in dream messaging and divination.

She is a Goddess of magic, a guide at cross roads, a protector in light of day or darkest of night dreams, and a shield that helps you withstand the wildest storms in life. She is able to see into both realms and guards the border between this world and the spirit world...dealing with the more shadowy aspects of our lives.

May her beauty and simplicity enlighten your imagination.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mary month of May Cloth Doll.

Mary was a doll I thought would be a nice challenge for the month of May.
With spring just setting into summer, I wanted to give her the feeling of a fresh bouquet.
I also wanted an oldfashsioned colonial type of dress.

To make her interesting, I thought to add a working clock, some romantic letters and postcards to show momentos of time past. These additions came about when I caught a look at a class held too far from my home, that had been taught by a wonderful cloth doll artist named Barbara Willis. Her doll was called, "Memory Box Doll", or something to that effect...I was so enthralled with the idea of combining two images to create a doll, that I just had to try my hand at making one.

So without a pattern or idea of what to put together, I looked around my messy craft table and saw flowers! Flower patterned fabric, a flower bulbs magazine and some floral odds and ends that all said here is spring and summer a theme that dolls love.

Thinking along the line that spring and summer are so fleeting a time to truly enjoy, I wanted to make a doll that would remind me of those colorful seasons each time I checked the hour. So a clock  mechanisms was needed... I had a few of those laying about, from another project and finally put one more to use.
All in all,  I love how she came out for my first try on making it from scraps...
I think I'll try doing this again. lol

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hello fellow Moppets... Well, this is the beginning of my blog adventures. And  since I truly don't get what this is for, I guess I'm about to find out huh.

I'm a self taught illustrator and love drawing just about anything I see. Presently I am into doll making and learning lots with a group of wonderful ladies that meet once a month to share some creative fun.

I feel that, with all my drawings providing a imaginative way to make my fantasy art into a 3D design, I have a good chance in creating some beautiful and wild looking dolls...I'm not very good at it (for now) but I am fast learning some really cool techniques that just might make my idea dolls come to life.